0 Miscommunication Between Chocolate Easter Bunnies

chocolate easter bunny
(via DinnerCakes)

0 Life in Five Seconds: Vincent Van Gogh

life in five seconds, the shining
In our jet-fueled, caffeine-induced, celebrity-a-minute world, who actually has the time to learn a thing or two?

C’mon, let’s face it, life’s too bloody short. What you need is instant knowledge.

"Life in Five Seconds" takes 200 world events, inventions, great lives, places, animals and cultural icons that you really need to know about, and then, hey presto!, cuts away all the useless details. The Last Supper, Lady Gaga, the moon landings, the Mona Lisa, the invention of electricity, Ikea, the Berlin Wall, celebrity chefs and everything in-between.
"Five seconds? Then how come the video timer shows 20 seconds?" the skeptic thinks to herself. Oh right, bumpers. Just watch.

p.s. Happy 160th Birthday, Vincent!

> Watch more of the "Life in Five Seconds" videos 
> Buy the book featuring "Over 200 Stories for Those with No Time to Waste"

0 PBS Inventors: Magic, Toys and Puzzles

From PBS Digital Studios, Inventors Series:

Mark Setteducati is a magician and artist who uses principles of mathematics and illusions in the toys and puzzles he invents. He's also a founder of the Gathering For Gardner, a biennial celebration of the life of mathematician and writer Martin Gardner. Here he talks about how math and magic influence him as an inventor.
(I want You're probably going to want a jigazo puzzle after watching this. Amazon has them.)

0 Comic of the Day: Creative Blocks

creative blocks comic
(via Incidental Comics)

0 'Sign Painters' Documentary Explores an Invisible Art

sign painters
Sign painting is an invisible art and industry.

Most people don't think about everyday signs as an art form, but there is real skill involved in the handmade process of sign making.

"Sign Painters," a new documentary film and book by the same name, showcases the dedicated practitioners of sign painting, their time-honored methods, and their appreciation for quality and craftsmanship.

This project is the first anecdotal history of the craft, featuring the stories of more than two dozen sign painters working throughout the U.S.

The filmmakers explain:
There was a time, as recently as the 1980s, when storefronts, murals, banners, barn signs, billboards, and even street signs were all hand-lettered with brush and paint.

But, like many skilled trades, the sign industry has been overrun by the techno-fueled promise of quicker and cheaper. The resulting proliferation of computer-designed, die-cut vinyl lettering and inkjet printers has ushered a creeping sameness into our landscape.

Fortunately, there is a growing trend to seek out traditional sign painters and a renaissance in the trade.
Watch the trailer below and visit the film's website to learn more.

0 Pantone Pairings

pantone peas and carrots pantone macaroni and cheese
pantone spaghetti and meatballspantone peanut butter and jelly
pantone milk and cookies
Minneapolis-based graphic designer/illustrator David Schwen created a delicious project entitled Pantone Pairings. Instead of complimentary colors, he combines foods that traditionally pair well together, and displays them on Pantone cards.

(via Zillamag)

0 And We're Back!

Jenny's Noodle has returned from a brief hiatus! YAY!

And how do you feel about this news, Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man?

He's obviously really excited about it.

> Remember: You can follow @JennysNoodle on Twitter and Facebook!

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