0 5 Funniest Tweets from Facebook-alypse 2010

Facebook down, Facebook bug, Mashable
Image credit: Mashable
There was a small window of time this afternoon, when I suspected that I had single-handedly caused the implosion of society as we know it.

The scenario: I was at work, doing my social media gig. I had just hit send on an email flyer distributed to literally thousands of subscribers, for—of all things—a Facebook promotion. Seconds later, the little yellow "You've got mail" envelope icon alert popped up in the corner of my task bar.

I proceeded to check my email.
Sender: "Your link is broken. I wanted to enter your sweepstakes but I can't open the page."
Recipient (me, screaming): "DOUBLEYOU-TEE-EFF!"
What's a gal to do at that point? Call the I.T. department? Crouch under my desk in a fetal position? I decided to consult the almighty guru, to go where everyone else goes during a Facebook catastrophe—I went to Twitter! And that's where I discovered what really happened.

In case you missed them, here are 5 Humorous Tweets from the Great Facebook Outage of 2010 (I'm still only partially convinced that this wasn't my doing):

Facebook down, funny tweets
Facebook down, funny tweets
Facebook down, funny tweets
Facebook down, funny tweets
Facebook down, funny tweets
By the way, Jenny's Noodle has a Facebook page. You should "Like" it. And if that link takes you to a page that won't open—well, you know what to do.

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